“I Tradizionali are illustrated tattoo-recipes which can be applied on one’s forearm.
Not only does the tattoo emphasize the common gesture of “rolling-up one’s sleeves” before cooking, but it also helps the cook to remember the order in which the recipe is to be prepared.
Passing downrecipes is part of every country’s traditional culture. With “I Tradizionali”, however, exchanging recipes becomes an even more enjoyable experience.
Not only do they assist older generations in passing downfamily recipes to their children, but they alsointroduce a newway ofspreading traditional, good and healthy recipes to literally anybody.
The idea of combining recipes with the traditional tattoo-culture is what inspired the project’s name and the tattoos’ illustrations. For this first time in history, this project has added tattoos to culinary culture. To create a new jargon to combine these two cultures, the project has creatively mended the tattoo-tradition with traditional recipes.”
All images © Marina Cinciripini & Sarah Richiuso