Genius Loci è un progetto di Anastasia Savinova, visual artist che opera in Svezia. La serie rappresenta l’identità di una particolare città e la sua atmosfera attraverso l’unione di più fotografie. Ogni collage è composto da più edifici tipici di una città o di un Paese, esprimendo con la loro connessione lo spirito di quel luogo.
“In this project I try to identify differences and to find similarities between places of habitation. Travelling around cities and countries, I take pictures of buildings, look into windows sneakily, go to local shops, flea markets and bars, watch everyday life – all this helps to build the feeling of the Place. This feeling becomes a foundation or a series of large-scale collages. The Integral Image emerges from visual information and a dozen of associations. While architecture and landscape are visual components of the integral image of the Place, at the same time, this image is inseparably linked with a mentality and a way of life. It is saturated with “an incorporeal something”. Ancient romans called it “genius loci” – the protective spirit of a place. In contemporary usage, “genius loci” refers to a location’s distinctive atmosphere. A Big house on each collage is composed of many buildings, which are typical for a particular country or city, in their connection with the land and the spirit of the Place.”
All images © Anastasia Savinova